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NTP-SZKOLL-19-0027 application program report

The aim of the program was to support the professional development of the members from several sides, to maintain their research motivation, to help them form their networks, to make them aware of the importance of social responsibility. The main goal of the year was to draw attention to research that is problem-oriented, applicable and requires joint work (thinking together). Among other things, this goal helped us to maintain our well-functioning, motivating community, and we also managed to ensure the professional development of our members.


From the point of view of research attitude, the development of problem-centered thinking is essential. This was facilitated by a 24-hour compulsory course in which students, led by Dr. Aranka Tiringer, worked on the topic of choices and crises related to personal and local identity. The course was a great success, for which student feedback is available here. The most important experience is that teacher students have gained information primarily on the topic of crises that can be useful to them during their teaching careers, especially in identifying and dealing with crisis situations that most often affect students.


Following the research club and discussion evenings (with the professional help of psychologist Aranka Tiringer, ethnographer Gábor Máté, economist Balázs Nagy and historian Virág Rab), the community board game focusing on problem solving reached the final stage of development by the end of the year: the prototype of the game was completed. The piloting was carried out in the autumn semester of 2020 in the framework of Balázs Nagy's board game development seminar. Testing and error correction is currently underway. The final, reproducible version of the game is expected to be completed by the end of the next academic year (June 2021).


Due to the virus situation, the discussions, which were important from a professional and community building point of view, took place online (with the participation of Gábor Máté, Balázs Nagy and Ágnes Bálint). On these occasions, we discussed issues related to our joint research. The new research results yielded in 2019/2020 have been published in a new publication, which is available in both electronic and printed form. The international visibility and current international relations of the college are temporarily suspended in the absence of foreign conferences; only electronic communication is used for maintaining connections. We are trying to maintain the flow of information by making the renewed website available in English within the framework of the tender. The results of the members of the college were presented at domestic and foreign international online conferences. Several of the presenters (Tímea Varga, Rózsa Borbála Zsindely) were also awarded prizes. In the fall, several of our members were admitted to various doctoral schools.